September 15, 2011 Martina

To all of the Mothers and Wives….. Be Encouraged!

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Be Encouraged my sisters…. I know its not easy being a mother and a wife! For me I think it might be one of the hardest jobs to have. For some of us we may not be the bread winners of the family but we are the cooks,  disciplinarian, maid, care-givers, doctor, story-teller (for nighttime with the kids), sex machine, baker, lover, and many more things but you get what I’m saying.

We’re ALL of these things and sometimes we get tired!!!! There are times when I want to just get in the car leave for a whole day without telling anyone where I am. I get frustrated, angry, and tired! I know people think we are superwoman/supermom but we are human and are trying to do the best we can and sometimes we want to feel appreciated. Trust me when I say that one little day we get a year is not enough.

I just want to encourage the mommies and wives out there to continue to do what you do best. It’s not easy and it is tiresome but we will make it.

*Love until you can’t love anymore

*Smile when you want to roll your eyes and punch a whole in the wall

*Take a break and do something for yourself. This one is for me too b/c I rarely do this and as soon as I have this baby things will and are going to change around here, b/c I hardly get me time and that’s where a lot of my frustration comes in.

The title and roll we carry is not easy but we can and will make it…. Even when we don’t want to be let’s be the best mommies and wives we can be… Be Encouraged and let’s keep each other lifted up in prayer!


Thank you for you love, your unconditional love. Thank you for being our provider and supplying all of our needs. Forgive us for all things known and unknown and help us to forgive ourselves for anything we’ve done… We offer ourselves to you first and then to our families asking that you will help us to love our spouses unconditionally. When good times come, help us to love. When bad times come, help us to love. Help us to be patient, kind-hearted, and to understand our husbands. Allow us Lord to be patient with our children and to be the mother’s you’ve called us to be. Help us to be the prayer warriors of our families to keep our families strong and together because we know that only you can do it. Give us understanding on how to be the Mothers and Wives that you would have us to be. We cast our cares upon you God for we know that only your yoke is easy and your burden is light. We give our cares to you when we’re stressed, we give our cares to you when were down, feeling lonely, or unloved. We love you lord for keeping us this far and we pray that you will continue to keep us and make and mold us into the women you want us to be. I pray that the spirit of depression, anxiety, and worry will not overtake us. Wrap us in your arms and comfort us when we feel alone and that no one cares. Give us the strength to make it even when we don’t feel like we can! You are God, our father, and our comfort and with you all things are possible. We know that you can mend the broken hearts so Lord any Mother or Wife who is broken and who need you at this very moment comfort them and heal them of every hurt and pain.  Help us to endure and help us to see what the future holds for us. In Jesus Name , Amen!

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