September 1, 2011 Martina

Think about what you’re Thinking about….

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I just finished Chapter 7 in Joyce Meyer’s “The Battlefield of the Mind” and I must say that this book has really been blessing me. This book is about winning the battle in our minds. Sometimes we let our minds and what we think about control who we are and it also at times affects our everyday life. I know I have…. I would get something in my mind and for the rest of the day (sometimes) it would really have me thinking negative or it may sometimes ruin my whole day. So far, this book has really been helping me in my spiritual walk with Christ and it is gradually helping me to change my way of thinking and I thought that since it blessed me I would like to be a blessing to someone else that may be going through tough times or who just need a little encouragement on today.

In Chapter 7 Think about what you’re Thinking about, it talks about how we should spend our time meditating on God’s word. The more time we spend meditating on the word, the more we will reap from the word. Mark 4:24 says that we should consider carefully what we hear. With the measure you use it, it will be measured to you and even more. This scripture is saying that whatever we put in to God’s word that’s what we will get out of it. Our flesh is lazy but we must endure and put our flesh under subjection and meditate on his word. We NEED the word of God and prayer to get us through this Christian walk. Let me be the first to say that it’s not easy and some days I’m on fire for God and I’m being consistent in reading my Bible and Praying and other days I don’t. I don’t want to be like that. I want to give God what’s due to him. A LOT of the time my mind would wonder and think about all sorts of stuff and would began to think negative about my life and I know now after reading Chapter 7 as to why that would happen. It would be because I was thinking negative thoughts instead of thinking on the Word of God. I would allow satan to control my mind and I wouldn’t totally give it to God. 
Change your thinking and realize that the reason we go through a lot is because we don’t think the right things. If we think negative things, things will be negative, if we think positive things, things will be positive. Sometimes our minds can be a mess and we’ll be thinking about stuff that doesn’t even make sense. We’ll dwell on it and allow that thing we’re thinking about to mess up our whole day. We must line our thinking up to God’s word. God’s word will get us through tough times and let me tell you its not easy. I get so upset at times and I don’t want to pray or meditate on God’s word, I just want to curse some people out and be mad but that’s not what God’s word would have us to do. He wants us to love and believe that he will get us through (Trust Him).  
In Psalms 143: 4-5 Talks about how David was depressed but he started to dwell on the works of God’s hand. He didn’t focus on the problem and he didn’t allow people to mess up his day but he meditated on God and he overcame depression. Joyce Meyer said it best….. Satan knows what makes us happy and what makes us miserable. When a person is full of wrong thoughts he is miserable. He (satan) wants us to think that what’s going on around us is what’s making us unhappy but its really what’s going on inside us (our thoughts) that’s making us miserable. Meaning if we change the way we think (even when its the hardest thing to do sometimes) our day will brighten up just because we changed our thoughts. 
I remember sometimes the more I thought about stuff other than what God would have me dwell on I would get more upset and more depressed. Its amazing what our minds will do to us. So, Think about what you’re thinking about and you may be able to locate some of your problems and be on your way to freedom very quickly because God doesn’t want our minds in bondage but he wants us to live, think, and breathe free in him. I really needed this because for the last couple of days I’ve been getting down about somethings marriage, motherhood, and  life but God showed me through Chapter 7 that I need to change my thoughts and give it to him, all of my cares I need to give it to him and allow him to fix it because me thinking about won’t change anything but me praying about it and casting my cares upon him will change the situation around me. I want to be in such peace and on one accord with God’s word that whatever is happening around me I will not let it affect my day and my mood.
Psalms 55:22 -Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall. 
Make today and everyday a great day. God Bless

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  1. OH MY GOODNESS … i was just talkig to my mother-in-law about this book i read it a few years back and loved it and now my mother-in-law told me she has a message/sermon on it … she's lending it out to me so i can't wait to watch! it's talking about how our bad thoughts don't come from God or ourselves but they are the lies and thoughts of the devil and how we can break those thoughts off of ourselves … wow this is crazy good! love your blog and your heart for God!

  2. Thank you SO much! I'm going to look for that sermon on video too, thanks for the heads up b/c I didn't know she had a video out on it! I think a lot of women should read this book because I believe we deal with more mentally and emotionally and this book is such a help and it teaches us how to set our hearts and minds on things above and how to avoid the devils tactics to mess with our minds! I'm glad you enjoyed my blog:-)

  3. Thanks so much for this post. I'm learning to stop dwelling on past wrongs and start focusing on the good things God is doing in my life right now.

  4. Great post Martina! I definitely need to start taking control of my thoughts. They get the best of me all too often! You should've told me abut this book when I was putting together my book list, you're holding out on me 😉 lol I'll add it on there anyway because it seems like a "must-read"

  5. Awwww- Its no problem Ashley! I'm so excited to be apart of this awesome community and you are doing a great job bringing us all together for a great purpose:-)

  6. You are welcome Lauren:-) I'm glad it blessed you…. Yes, continue to focus on the good things because dwelling on the past (which I still do "sometimes") doesn't get us anywhere.

    Have you ever heard the song, Moving Forward by Israel Houghton? If not here please listen to it. It talks about not looking back but looking ahead because our past our over.

    God Bless & have a wonderful week!

  7. Awwww- I forgot I wrote this post until I was looking for a "good read" to link up…. Lol… I'm glad it blessed you! I love Joyce Meyer and this book is truly amazing… Every woman should read it. I hope you get a chance to read it…

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