July 28, 2011 Martina

This one is for the men…. Who are you married too????

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Is it the Xbox, Your Job, Computer, Work, Church, Or Your Boys?

I ask those questions because that’s what most men attach themselves too after a hard days work and its OK but nothing should come before your family. Did you make vows to all of those things? No…… So, We as women and children desire your attention. We shouldn’t have to beg or complain or even argue until you decide to want to do something with us. If God blessed you with a family, you should want to spend quality time with them instead of complaining or making up excuses all the time for why you don’t want to do anything.

For the record….. When you want to get on top of us and have sex, we are tired too and sometimes don’t even want to do it but we do.

I’ll talk about me for a moment– My husband loves his Xbox and I don’t mind him playing but he sometimes forgets about my feelings and neglects me due to that game and I desire his attention and I desire it even more now because I’m pregnant. That’s just one of our issues but God is still working on us just like any married couple. Pray Saints! Lol

All men need an outlet and I’m saying that you shouldn’t have one but don’t forget about the ones who>>> Wash your clothes, take care of the kids, make sure everyone is feed, make sure the house is clean, etc. We work hard men and sometimes we just want to be held, feel appreciated, loved, special, sexy, and all of the above. If we can boost your ego you can boost ours sometimes. Can I get an Amen Ladies???

Men I know you feel like you’re doing your duty by working and paying the bills and you think that’s all you’re suppose to do… Ummmmm- I hate to bust your bubble but that’s not it! Men we appreciate ALL you do but I promise if you make us feel like you care, life would be alot easier:-)


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