August 21, 2020 Martina

The up’s & down’s of being pregnant during a pandemic

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The up’s & down’s of being pregnant during a pandemic

As I type this I think about how lately everything for me has been an emotional rollercoaster because while I’m worried about my life and those around me, I’m also worried about the life that I’m carrying making sure I keep myself safe so I won’t put the baby at risk. It can all be so overwhelming and with all that’s happening around me it seems like there are so many extra precautions I have to take and it can be a lot mentally. However, I’ve been so thankful for this “surprise” pregnancy but I have also been a bit overwhelmed with emotion (especially in the beginning) because the pandemic nearly had me SHOOK! So, I wanted to share how I’ve felt during this time and if there is another mama on here reading, maybe you can relate and share the same sentiments because we’re in this together!

The Upside of Things: 

  1. During this pandemic, although very sick in the beginning I was able to stay home and not feel obligated to go anywhere, do anything, or feel like I was missing out on events!
  2. Doctors visits have been super fast and waiting rooms have been empty. I am the only one and sometimes maybe one other woman is there waiting to be seen and my visits last no longer than 15-20 minutes! Before this pandemic, between waiting to be seen and actually getting to the back, my visits would take between 30 mins to an hour.
  3. The whole family has been home…. Kids home from school and my husband working from home, there was no need to have to do drop offs and pick ups daily. We literally stayed put and I didn’t have to go anywhere (and still don’t) and that felt great because I didn’t want too and I literally didn’t have too!


The Downside of Things: 

  1. You don’t really get to see close family and friends regularly! My immediate family and lots of close friends are always a huge support during my pregnancies. However, due to maintaining social distancing as much as possible, I don’t get to see everyone that often and even though I don’t really like it the kids hate it more than anything!
  2. I miss date nights!!!! Me and my husband were just getting into making date nights a regular thing… We had a set babysitter and all but covid came and messed everything up! But we may have to make an exception for at least 1 night or a few hours away because we definitely need some alone time before baby arrives.
  3. Everything is just honestly scary overall…. I’ve heard of a lot of pregnant moms having covid. Some making it through this unpredictable pandemic and others who will never see their children grow up because the disease took their lives!


It is a lot to take in but I’m being extra careful and my prayer is that God continues to cover and protect me and my growing family. My prayer is that every expectant mother is covered and protected as well! A lot of things have changed but people are making the best of it and so will I and you will too. There are up’s and down’s to a lot of things in life so I’m taking it as that and moving forward the best way I know how to maintain my sanity. This baby is loved and I can’t wait to meet him or her!


To hear about all this pregnancy check out my youtube video and you’ll get all details:


Thanks for reading,


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