Me & Mallorie were driving around and all of a sudden I hear this loud yell and I turn around (while driving) and the pacifier is gone….. I mean nowhere to be found….. By this time I am on the highway and I’m driving and luckily I didn’t have a lot of people around me so I’m checking the sides of her car seat and I don’t see it or feel it.
Homegirl had it the whole entire time!
We lose the pacifier all the time or she does which is most of the time…. For example: Yesterday I was looking for one and found the one I was looking for plus another one in Madison’s toy box. I was one happy camper! Lol… If you guys could see me when I’m looking for those paci’s you would definitely L.O.L. I’m like the top notch paci detective and when I find them I am rejoicing all over the house. My husband doesn’t even try to look for them anymore because he knows I’ll find them. Honestly, I should get a stash of them or just wean her off of them because we are always looking for those little suckers. It helps her sleep and relaxes her when she’s cranky, it’s really for me because mommy can’t take all of the crying sometimes so yes it is definitely a lifesaver.
The Lost Pacifier is HI-LA-RI-OU-S because most times when I am looking for it, I am so pathetic and desperate, its like I’m on some type of scavenger hunt trying to find this great reward 🙂
P.S. Watch out for The Lost Pacifier Part II because we will surely lose it again