February 20, 2018 Martina

The Freedom to be YOU!

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How many of us have compared ourselves to others? Starting and not finishing because we see someone else doing it better? Allowing what someone says to determine who you are as a person? I really could keep going with these questions but I won’t because I think you all get the point.

I put a delay on my life and what I had to offer the world because I wasn’t free to be me! I allowed other peoples opinions to get in the way of my destiny. I really believe I would be further in life, if I “freed” myself from the fear of worrying about what people thought and the excuse of believing the lie they spoke over my life.

My truth: Life was challenging for me because fear controlled my life. From childhood through adulthood.

Honestly, I literally got tired of fighting with myself, having emotional meltdowns, and contemplating leaving this life because I was too overwhelmed with the thought of not being good enough for myself or for anyone else. Because of the freedom I have within right now, I honestly wish I could get those years back of wasted time and energy….

Below is a list of 4 things that not only helped me with being comfortable in my own skin but these 4 things brought forth true healing:

1. I spoke over my own life and I began to see the change but first I had to believe what I was saying and even if I didn’t believe what I was saying at the moment, I said it until I did.

2. In order for me to conquer the fear of being comfortable with myself, I decided to do or better yet say things that made me uncomfortable so I could get comfortable with who I really was. Remember, no one can be you but you!!

3. I read books on self affirmation or books that would shape me into being a more confident person.

4. Having a great support system! My mother and my husband and a few others a long the way encouraged me, supported me, and prayed me through some tough times. Man… I was truly a mess!!


Let me just be clear though… I don’t have it all together and I have my moments of doubt and I get overwhelmed with life and I scratch my head sometimes, like “lord, did you forget about a sister?” lol… But I don’t stay in those moments and that’s the key to overcoming.


Being free from low self-esteem, self-pity, regret, embarrassment, shame, guilt, mistakes, and so on is not an easy process but trust me working toward the goal of freedom is so worth it in the end. You’ll look at yourself and people in a different light and you’ll discover who you truly are.


I want to leave you with this….


There’s so much freedom in being your version of yourself because you won’t get much joy mimicking someone else’s.




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Comments (2)

    • Martina

      Thank you so much Khia! We can be our greatest hindrance. You are absolutely right! Life and death are in the power of the tongue

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