How many parents are experiencing the same thing? TONS…. And what do we do about it? I’m still trying to understand why it’s such a struggle for her to go to the potty. Is it because she’s still dependent on me? Is she lazy? Does she just want me to change the diaper because she’s still in baby mode? I ask these questions because I don’t know. This little 3 year old girl of mine can ask for anything and can do just about anything except tell me that she has to potty or even just go on her on. She knows all of her colors, can count to 20, knows her ABC’s etc. I thought it would be easier to train her because I stay home with her… NOT! hahaha… I just don’t understand! Maybe one day it will happen but its really working that little nerve I have left, especially because I have another little one on the way. HELP:-(