February 18, 2013 Martina

My Selfishly Greedy Husband

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Today me and my husband went to Applebee’s after church with some friends of ours and we got the 2 for $20 and with that you get an appetizer to “SHARE”…. 
Well, we didn’t eat all of our food and of course we brought it home in to go boxes…. Time has gone by and I realized I want some of “our” applebees and I come downstairs to get some leftovers. 
To my surprise even though it really wasn’t a surprise because this happens all the time it was gone. The rest of our boneless wings and mozzarella sticks were all gone. 
Our Conversation 
Me: Did you eat all of it or did you save me some?
Hubbs: I ate all of it, it was only 2 of each left
Me: You know you are wrong right? I would’ve never done that to you. You are just selfish! LOL
Hubbs: But you have pasta leftover so I figured you would just eat that
Me: But you ate all of your food plus all of the appetizers 
Hubbs: ……………………………………………….
Those dots = Silence! HA! Convo was over after that….
We didn’t really argue about it because this is a NORMAL conversation that happens at least twice a week. I mean this dude will eat up everything without thinking about the next person around him. I call him my personal garbage disposal because I can always depend on him to eat what I don’t eat or what he “think” I won’t eat. Most times I hide my food or I have to literally threaten him so he won’t eat my stuff! 
I’m like come on dude can I get my grub on or get excited about my leftovers without worrying if you ate it or not??? lol…. Most of my married girlfriends go through this and we always have our funny convos about it because we all deal with the “selfishly greedy husband”….. This dude even ate my Valentine’s day chocolate “HE” got me and blamed it on our 1 year old daughter….lol….. I got it bad over here ladies!!!
Have you had these convos with your hubby? or had to come to the frig to see your food missing? 
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Comments (13)

  1. Hilarious, because this is SO me and my husband! Especially the personal garbage disposal part because he has a "no food wasted in this house" policy so he'll eat just about anything (especially) if he "thinks" I don't want it too! Even though I know it's the norm, it still gets under my skin at times, lol!!!

  2. That is SO wrong. My husband learned early on not to mess with my food!

    Thanks so much for commenting over at "this little light," Martina. Would love for you to join me today and link up at Much Ado Monday!

  3. If you want to see a lot of angry women at my parent's home, just eat one of their plates of food in the fridge! In my house, we don't play that! If food belongs to a group of people, we make sure to share it, but if someone eats it all?! LOLOLOLOL! HILARIOUS! Thanks for sharing the realities of it all. It's not always peachy-keen ;].


  4. Sooo funny Nicole!!!! My husband has a "no food wasted in this house" policy too…. The only time I get mad when he eats my food is when I really want it.

  5. Hahahaha this sounds just like us! R where are the cookies?! R where is the juice?! R where are the leftovers?! Once it is in the fridge, give it 2 hours with him and it is GONE. I started hiding my favorites from him. Same goes for my dad!

  6. LOL!!!!! Include me in the bunch of angry women:) My whole attitude flips when he gets my food especially if I really want it and I look in the fridge and it's gone….

    Btw- You posted a video of a makeup artist or hair blog from youtube of some sort a couple of weeks ago and I have been HOOKED on following these women all over youtube!!!! Thx

  7. Newest follower here! I found you though the blog hop! Cute blog, I can't wait to read more. You can visit me at meandmr.com

    -Melanie @ meandmr.com

  8. Haha that's funny and kind of cute.
    I would slap him across his head. I don't play about my food!


  9. LOL- I don't either! He gets slapped, punched, and everything else but for some reason still eats my stuff. lol

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