April 17, 2011 Martina

i’m seperating myself

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I realized that there are times when you have to separate yourself from family, friends, and even some peers who may not seem to care about your feelings but who always put you down no matter what is going on and if it affects you as a person then you have to be mature about the situation and say enough is enough and do it in a mature way and remove yourself from ppl who consistently have something to say to you. Today was the last day that I will allow them to say comments about me. Well, they can talk but I told myself I will just separate myself when they come around. It can be 15 of us sitting around and guess who there main target is……………………………….ME………………………………and I’m so sick of it! Some may say that I’m acting like this b/c I’m pregnant and that may be true to a certain extinct but for the most part I have been fed up with this for years but it seems like I always find myself around them and they’re at it again. Its so petty but it bothers me. I’m always their target and enough is enough. I know sometimes they are joking but its every 5 minutes when I’m around them and a person can only take so much. When other ppl are around I’ll ask “Am I the only person you see right here?” I ask that b/c everyone else is ignored and I am always picked on. Sometimes I may have a blonde moment (LOL) but I mean alot of them have it and nobody says anything, I could say somethings back to them that would really hurt (I feel myself getting to that point, that’s why I have separate myself) but I won’t allow myself to stoop to their level. If you’re in a situation where you feel like someone is affecting your self-esteem, you don’t feel appreciated, or you find yourself aggravated every time you’re around them. Find the courage and strength to separate yourself and no your self worth and don’t allow anyone to talk down to you and make you feel less than what you are. One thing I found out, is that when ppl see other ppl do it to you (especially your family) they will (outsiders) will feel that is ok and that’s not right. You must stand your ground and let ppl know that you’re human just like they are and you have feelings like everyone else and if they can’t respect that, then you know what you have to do. I love my family but I’m human and I’m fed up. Anyway, I’m tired of going on about this nonsense but that’s how I felt today so until next time! Peace

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